Rant on RP GM's

At first I didn't like RP servers, just because of the reasons you listed there. But after some time a friend made me playing on one of them and I really started enjoying it. You start of very little and can reach everything, that's what I somehow liked about it.

Messages In This Thread
Rant on RP GM's - by krammer - 27.05.2011, 18:21
Re: Rant on RP GM's - by linuxthefish - 27.05.2011, 18:39
AW: Rant on RP GM's - by Gomma - 27.05.2011, 18:48
Re: Rant on RP GM's - by Jean_Pierre - 27.05.2011, 20:08
Re: Rant on RP GM's - by Vince - 27.05.2011, 20:18
Re: Rant on RP GM's - by GangsTa_ - 27.05.2011, 21:12
Re: Rant on RP GM's - by jameskmonger - 27.05.2011, 21:23
Re: Rant on RP GM's - by Scones - 27.05.2011, 22:24
Re: Rant on RP GM's - by Norn - 27.05.2011, 22:50
Re: Rant on RP GM's - by krammer - 27.05.2011, 23:05

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