Originally Posted by Raimis_R
Hello CyberGhost.
pawn Code:
for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { SetPVarInt(i, "LastPmFrom", -1); SetPVarInt(i, "ReadingPMs", 0); SetPVarInt(i, "PmStatus", 0); }
You using this loop then starting FilterScript and actualy effect 0% because as always if variable don't used value is 0 and if server loading with this fs your loop SetPVar for 0 players.
Good luck in future
I thinked on this way, Lets say a guy have 10 players on hes server then he go ingame and do "rcon loadfs CyberPM" and when he load the FS it "resets" the PVar for the 10 connected players. (So it don't get buggy for them)
And for the other players who connect after the FS is laded, The PVar "resets" OnPlayerConnect
Correct me if im wrong.