22.05.2011, 16:37
Alright, well I get several questions which could assist me with a tutorial for new players of a server.
At first I would like to know how I can create something like a camerascreen for a tutorial like here.
There you can see the LSPD without any Player infront of you. What kind of commands do I need for that?
Dont forget to set the world to 0 again if he spawns
Second: I'd like to know how it's possible to make a movement of a camera if I got the screen of question one. Like for example the camera slowly flys around the LSPD building.
We create a function which call it self again till something happens (as example if the player spawns)
pawn Код:
forward TRotate(playerid, Float: X, Float: Y, Float: Z, Float: R, Float: A);
public TRotate(playerid, Float: X, Float: Y, Float: Z, Float: R, Float: A) {
if(GetPlayerState(player) == PLAYER_STATE_WASTED) {
SetCameraPos(playerid, X + (floatcos(A, degrees) * R), Y + (floatsin(A, degrees) * R), Z + 10);
SetTimerEx("TRotate", 100, false, "ifffff", playerid, X, Y, Z, R, A + 1.0);
Third: How is it possible to make an image changing slowly like it slowly looses its oppacity? Let's say you got the image of the LSPD and now I want to change it to an image of the Cityhall. How can I make that it's not a fast changing of the image but a slow one like slowly the screen gets black and afterwards slowly the black screen disappears and looses its oppacity that the new image is visible?
And than change the camera pos / look at and afterwards let it go to 0 opacity again
pawn Код:
stock StartChange(playerid, Float: X, Float: Y, Float: Z, Float: cX, Float: cY, Float: cZ) {
new Text:gText = TextDrawCreate(0.0, 0.0, "_");
TextDrawUseBox(gText, true);
cbOpacity(playerid, gText, 0, false, X, Y, Z, cX, cY, cZ);
pawn Код:
forward cbOpacity(playerid, Text:tText, opacity, bool: down, Float: X, Float: Y, Float: Z, Float: cX, Float: cY, Float: cZ);
public cbOpacity(playerid, Text:tText, opacity, bool: down, Float: X, Float: Y, Float: Z, Float: cX, Float: cY, Float: cZ) {
TextDrawBoxColor(tText, opacity);
if(down) {
if(--opacity <= 0) {
return ;
} else {
if(++opacity >= 255) {
SetTimerEx("cbOpacity", 100, false, "iiib", playerid, _:tText, opacity, true);
SetPlayerCameraPos(playerid, cX, cY, cZ);
SetPlayerCameraLookAt(playerid, X, Y, Z);
SetTimerEx("cbOpacity", 100, false, "iiib", playerid, _:tText, color, visible, X, Y, Z, cX, cY, cZ);