Why is TrueServe fucked up 24/7?


It might be an idea to contact the support department of your host before you make accusations. Anyway, I suggest you clear your cache and reload the index page as you will see that TrueServe has temporarily closed, obviously refunds will be provided.

The text you should see:


On the 17th May 2011, TrueServe has temporarily ceased, all services including but not limited to Game Servers, Web Hosting, VPSs and Dedicated Servers hosted by the TrueServe brand or a subsidiary of TrueServe will be shut down shortly. All files are still accessible if any clients require data.


If you have a paid/premium service with TrueServe or a TrueServe subsidiary which has not expired, you are entitled to a refund of the remainder of your server term. Please contact generalrefunds@trueserve.info to request a TrueServe refund and subsidiaryrefunds@trueserve.info to request a refund from a subsidiary company with the following information, without this format refund request WILL be ignored.


Full Name:
Account Username:
PayPal E-Mail:
PayPal Transaction ID:


We are not closing permanently, we most likely will be back bigger and better than before - with more services, more staff and a even better network. If you still have questions, e-mail publicrelations@trueserve.info
Best Regards,

Messages In This Thread
Why is TrueServe fucked up 24/7? - by Ouch_Charlie - 17.05.2011, 10:24
Re: Why is TrueServe fucked up 24/7? - by Exxious - 17.05.2011, 11:23
Re: Why is TrueServe fucked up 24/7? - by Ironboy500[TW] - 17.05.2011, 11:25
Re: Why is TrueServe fucked up 24/7? - by CraZy_KiLLaH - 17.05.2011, 11:37
Re: Why is TrueServe fucked up 24/7? - by JakeyBoyo - 17.05.2011, 11:39
Re: Why is TrueServe fucked up 24/7? - by TruServe - 17.05.2011, 15:28
Re: Why is TrueServe fucked up 24/7? - by donB - 18.05.2011, 01:17
Re: Why is TrueServe fucked up 24/7? - by donB - 18.05.2011, 05:08
Re: Why is TrueServe fucked up 24/7? - by X3nZ - 18.05.2011, 05:14
Re: Why is TrueServe fucked up 24/7? - by donB - 18.05.2011, 05:50

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