17.05.2011, 15:28
It might be an idea to contact the support department of your host before you make accusations. Anyway, I suggest you clear your cache and reload the index page as you will see that TrueServe has temporarily closed, obviously refunds will be provided.
The text you should see:
Best Regards,
It might be an idea to contact the support department of your host before you make accusations. Anyway, I suggest you clear your cache and reload the index page as you will see that TrueServe has temporarily closed, obviously refunds will be provided.
The text you should see:
IMPORTANT NOTICE On the 17th May 2011, TrueServe has temporarily ceased, all services including but not limited to Game Servers, Web Hosting, VPSs and Dedicated Servers hosted by the TrueServe brand or a subsidiary of TrueServe will be shut down shortly. All files are still accessible if any clients require data. REFUNDS If you have a paid/premium service with TrueServe or a TrueServe subsidiary which has not expired, you are entitled to a refund of the remainder of your server term. Please contact generalrefunds@trueserve.info to request a TrueServe refund and subsidiaryrefunds@trueserve.info to request a refund from a subsidiary company with the following information, without this format refund request WILL be ignored. REFUND FORMAT Full Name: Account Username: PayPal E-Mail: PayPal Transaction ID: WHY IS TRUESERVE CLOSING? We are not closing permanently, we most likely will be back bigger and better than before - with more services, more staff and a even better network. If you still have questions, e-mail publicrelations@trueserve.info |