A way to prevent players from fixing vehicle in pay n' sprays??

The method I'm using is a pickup in front of the garage (With my own vehicle repairation system), but when you've picked it up it disappears, and if you come with another car you can still use it!

I'm not using my PC so I can't show my code.
My repair method does:

Kind of code
On player picks up the pickup with the vehicle:
  set vehicle virtual world to 1.
  set timer "a" to 10 minutes.
  send the messages..

Timer "a":
  changes the veh virtual world to 0.
  if(money > THE_MONEY)
    take the money;
    Fix the car;
    Send  message
    send error message;
This was a kind of code, becaus eI don't have it on this PC

But the problem is:

If player picks the pickup: it's all OK
So, he can use another vehicle and enter pay n' spray XD

Messages In This Thread
A way to prevent players from fixing vehicle in pay n' sprays?? - by Sasino97 - 17.05.2011, 14:31
Re: A way to prevent players from fixing vehicle in pay n' sprays?? - by Biesmen - 17.05.2011, 14:35
Re: A way to prevent players from fixing vehicle in pay n' sprays?? - by sim_sima - 17.05.2011, 14:59
Re: A way to prevent players from fixing vehicle in pay n' sprays?? - by BizzyD - 17.05.2011, 15:06
Re: A way to prevent players from fixing vehicle in pay n' sprays?? - by Sasino97 - 17.05.2011, 15:11

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