Garage help

Greetings, everyone.

I am very new to scripting in SAMP. This is also my first thread. I have read some tutorials, I understand the basics (somewhat) and have scripted a few easy things.

But, now I want to create some Garage "system". I want two variations.

The first one
What I want: You drive in your car and pick up a pickup. Then you're able to do something like /enter. If you're not on the pick up, you're unable to enter it.
I know how to create a pickup and make it into a variable. I also got the coordinates. But, I don't know how I could script it so you have to write /enter once you picked it up.

The pickup up:
pawn Code:
new GaragePickup;
public OnGameModeInit()
    SetGameModeText("Blank Script");
    AddPlayerClass(0, 1877.9052734375,-1737.6791992188,13.355146,180, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    AddStaticVehicle(587, -1745.3572998047, 982.47320556641, 17.678091049194, 270, 38, 1);
    AddStaticVehicle(587, 1886.4532470703, -1746.6672363281, 13.356875419617, 90, 38, 1);
    GaragePickup = CreatePickup(3096,2,1866.1990966797,-1760.0908203125,13.546875,-1);
    return 1;
I have no clue what to do next, so a little help please?
Playerspawn:	1877.9052734375,-1737.6791992188,13.355146,180
Where the player starts
Garage1: 	1884.8843994141,-1760.4916992188,13.546875
Where the pickup is and the entrace of the garage.
InGarage: 	-1747.0718994141,987.37799072266,18.087209701538
Where you should be teleported to when you enter it. (Also you should be able to do /exit here as well.
The second
What I want: You can drive to this point and use /storev(ehicle) so the car despawn and you can spawn it back later.
There should be a pickup here as well and I want these commands available:
/checkv - Shows which vehicles are in the garage.
/storev - Explained above, this should store your car in the garage (despawn).
/getv - Spawns the vehicle again

If it's possible, could there be a limit of 3 vehicles in the garage?
The coordinate of this garage is:
Garage2:	1866.1990966797,-1760.0908203125,13.546875
Thanks a lot!

Messages In This Thread
Garage help - by Squidle - 17.05.2011, 09:57
Re: Garage help - by Squidle - 18.05.2011, 10:47

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