Time flys

Hey guys !

I dont know if it's me or time is running faster ? I mean like nothing matters anymore, in few minutes everything will be only a memory. I can remember my birthday like it was yesterday when it was actually 2 months ago ...

I remember like 4 years ago, the time was running so slow, the school bearly passed but today, school goes like 10 times faster, like the itme is shorter. I read somewhere that the time is running faster and faster ... It's not like the minute will have less secounds or so ... The clock also moves faster because the time goes faster.

Anybody else feels that ?

Messages In This Thread
Time flys - by sleepysnowflake - 16.05.2011, 15:00
Re: Time flys - by xRk - 16.05.2011, 15:05
Re: Time flys - by Paul.eboy - 16.05.2011, 15:07
Re: Time flys - by playbox12 - 16.05.2011, 16:45
Re: Time flys - by Norn - 16.05.2011, 16:54
Re: Time flys - by firechief - 16.05.2011, 17:01
Re: Time flys - by Paul.eboy - 16.05.2011, 17:13
Re: Time flys - by linuxthefish - 16.05.2011, 17:16
Re: Time flys - by Code_Red - 16.05.2011, 17:23
Re: Time flys - by Norn - 16.05.2011, 19:27

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