[ajuda] criar um teleporte

new pickupp; ( inicio )

pickupp = CreatePickup( 1242, 2, -2394.42, 1772.57, 3.36 ); (creat dynamic objetes)

public OnPlayerPickUpPickup(playerid,pickupid)

if (pickupid == pickupp) {
SetPlayerPos(playerid,x, ja coloquei as cordenadas ,z);
return true;


C:\Users\Marlon\Desktop\Expiriongames\gamemodes\BS L.pwn(17104) : error 055: start of function body without function header
C:\Users\Marlon\Desktop\Expiriongames\gamemodes\BS L.pwn(17105) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
C:\Users\Marlon\Desktop\Expiriongames\gamemodes\BS L.pwn(1710 : error 010: invalid function or declaration
C:\Users\Marlon\Desktop\Expiriongames\gamemodes\BS L.pwn(31224) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition
C:\Users\Marlon\Desktop\Expiriongames\gamemodes\BS L.pwn(6566) : warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "pickupp"


Messages In This Thread
[ajuda] criar um teleporte - by SERRA93 - 15.05.2011, 22:27
Re: [ajuda] criar um teleporte - by deregudegu - 15.05.2011, 22:32
Re: [ajuda] criar um teleporte - by [S]trong - 15.05.2011, 22:34
Re: [ajuda] criar um teleporte - by SERRA93 - 15.05.2011, 22:57
Re: [ajuda] criar um teleporte - by SERRA93 - 15.05.2011, 22:59
Re: [ajuda] criar um teleporte - by dudu.r.oliveira - 15.05.2011, 23:03
Re: [ajuda] criar um teleporte - by SERRA93 - 15.05.2011, 23:13
Re: [ajuda] criar um teleporte - by dudu.r.oliveira - 15.05.2011, 23:22
Re: [ajuda] criar um teleporte - by SERRA93 - 16.05.2011, 00:32
Re: [ajuda] criar um teleporte - by Macintosh - 16.05.2011, 00:43

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