OnDialogResponse, Whats Wrong?

Im trying to make more than one dialog response, but i dont get it, errors:

C:\Documents and Settings\Jordi\Escritorio\Comando Ayuda\Untitled.pwn(73) : error 002: only a single statement (or expression) can follow each "case"
C:\Documents and Settings\Jordi\Escritorio\Comando Ayuda\Untitled.pwn(73 -- 74) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\Documents and Settings\Jordi\Escritorio\Comando Ayuda\Untitled.pwn(94) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "MostrarDialogComandos"
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664	 	 	Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

2 Errors.
public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])
        case 1:
                return 1; // We processed it

            switch(listitem) // This is far more efficient than using an if-elseif-else structure
                case 0: // Listitems start with 0, not 1

      switch(listitem) // This is far more efficient than using an if-elseif-else structure
            case 0: // Listitems start with 0, not 1


                // Add the rest of your listitems for dialog 1 here


        // Add the rest of your dialogs here

    return 0; 

Messages In This Thread
OnDialogResponse, Whats Wrong? - by PureStyle - 15.05.2011, 18:18
Re: OnDialogResponse, Whats Wrong? - by xRyder - 15.05.2011, 18:25
Re: OnDialogResponse, Whats Wrong? - by PureStyle - 15.05.2011, 18:31
Re: OnDialogResponse, Whats Wrong? - by Hobod - 15.05.2011, 18:36
Re: OnDialogResponse, Whats Wrong? - by PureStyle - 15.05.2011, 18:48
Re: OnDialogResponse, Whats Wrong? - by Elka_Blazer - 15.05.2011, 19:50

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