Which Callback concerns JetPack removal

Just curious if anyone knows which Callback is activated upon Jetpack removal...
The reason I ask is this...

If I acquire and remove a JetPack via the OnPlayerCommandText all goes well...
The Jetpack actually disappears upon removal...

return 1;}

new Float:jetx,Float:jety,Float:jetz;
return 1;}

Further, I use Incognito's streamer and putting the "JETNO" code in the OnPlayerLeaveDynamicArea works as well...

However, while hitting the regular old assigned Enter/Exit Vehicle key DOES remove the Jetpack, is not satisfactory as it leaves the Jetpack visible and re-accessible...

I have put "checks" in the OnPlayerExitVehicle, OnPlayerSpecialAction, OnPlayerStateChange and OnPlayerUpdate but none of them trigger...
What am I missing?

Can anyone shed some light on this troublesome conundrum?

You can reply to nighthawk231@yahoo.com as well...

Thanx in advance...

Messages In This Thread
Which Callback concerns JetPack removal - by Spectre - 14.05.2011, 20:29
Re: Which Callback concerns JetPack removal - by LetsOWN[PL] - 14.05.2011, 20:36
Re: Which Callback concerns JetPack removal - by Spectre - 15.05.2011, 22:00

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