Originally Posted by Sascha
try this..
pawn Код:
forward Winner(); public Winner() { new Float:maxx = 0; new winner = -1; foreach(Playeri, i) { new Float:h; if(IsPlayerConnected(i)) { if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(i)) { GetVehicleHealth(GetPlayerVehicleID(i), h); if(h > maxx) { maxx = h; winner = i; } } } } if(winner != -1) { new namee[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; new stringg[80]; GetPlayerName(winner,namee,sizeof(namee)); format(stringg,sizeof(stringg)," ~n~ ~n~ ~n~ ~n~ %s won this round ! ~n~ ~g~ SURVIVER !",namee); GameTextForAll(stringg,2500,6); SetPlayerScore(winner, GetPlayerScore(winner)+3);//And normally the winner gains 3 points, but if you can do it now, i want to give the winner random score x) but not more then 5... } return 1; }
Euh ok ... you've change anything ? xD it's like the same ;p