[FilterScript] Temporary banning (SQLite) - Easy to use and it works!

Temporary banning (SQLite)
Scripted by __
This release is a filterscript that I made last night, but never got around to testing/releasing until today.

This filterscript uses:
  • Stock version of sscanf (because plugins and filterscripts can be painful)
  • SQLite to store bans
  • zcmd to process commands
  • Unix timestamps
I made this script myself, but as I said above, I used some released functions while making this, credits to:
  • ****** for creating sscanf, DB_Escape and mktime()
  • Zeex for creating zcmd
  • RoBo for creating the SQLite documentation on the wiki
  • KyleSmith for beta testing prior to release
  • Me for the creating the script
A list of download links/mirrors is available below:Installation notes
Here are the notes for installation:
  1. Move 'tban.amx' to your filterscripts directory
  2. Move 'bans.db' to your scriptfiles directory
  3. Add 'tban' to your server.cfg 'filterscripts' line
  4. Start your SA-MP server
Other notes
Commands scripted for this FS:
  • /tempban
  • /unbanip
  • /unbanname
You can set a PVar for "Admin" so you can integrate this script with your gamemodes.

/unbanip and /unbanname haven't yet been tested, but I'm pretty sure they'll work.

The code for more specific times with ban expiry messages is available here. I don't have SA-MP installed and can't test it so I'm not overwriting the original release.

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