[GameMode] LFREEROAM 2011!!! + Custom Skins!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Xtreme_playa
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lol !!!! thts how a noob like u replies when asked a bit about ur stupid gm which got nothing in it !!! if u cant give a proper explanation then leave samp !! instead of posting shit like tht here
If YOU can't script, you shouldn't talk shit. I can't believe you had the audacity to call his script bullshit, without you scripting your own script. He gave it a try, and I'm proud of how much he tried at scripting.
Good job, oh by the way, it's like this for the comments:
pawn Код:
/* <- Multiple Lines Comment

// <- SINGLE line comment
// These messages will be ignored by the compiler.
Lowrida018, you should go look over the SA-MP wiki, and look for more advanced callbacks.

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