JunkBuster help needed.

I have big problem with JunkBuster i move my gm to other hosting more better and now everything works fine but peoples register and JunkBuster kicking it or saying Suspected teleport hacking?? Btw on old server was working i tryed to move again from new but still giving that problem, I tryed /jbcfg set all teleport to 0 but still that problem can anyone help me how to fix this? I cant delete antichit beacause i have too manythings which i adeded in gm with some commands from JunkBuster like (JB_GivePlayerMoney) Or if anyone know better anti cheat to tell me.

Messages In This Thread
JunkBuster help needed. - by GBLTeam - 07.05.2011, 16:57
Re: JunkBuster help needed. - by GBLTeam - 07.05.2011, 19:27

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