spwan with over 100 hp wont work

yo all
the problem is simple : this is my script
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
	if(team[playerid] == 2)
	    SetPlayerTeam(playerid, 2);
	    team[playerid] = 2;
		GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~r~Zombie  ~b~ KEY_FIRE to bit human",10000,3);
		SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 150);
but when i spaw tha plyr has only 100 hp

Messages In This Thread
spwan with over 100 hp wont work - by Amine_Mejrhirrou - 06.05.2011, 20:56
Re: spwan with over 100 hp wont work - by Daddy Yankee - 07.05.2011, 08:30
Re: spwan with over 100 hp wont work - by BizzyD - 07.05.2011, 09:35
Re: spwan with over 100 hp wont work - by Lorenc_ - 07.05.2011, 09:43
Re : Re: spwan with over 100 hp wont work - by Amine_Mejrhirrou - 07.05.2011, 10:23
Re: Re : Re: spwan with over 100 hp wont work - by BizzyD - 07.05.2011, 10:36

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