03.05.2011, 19:04
Last edited by Karagon; 03/05/2011 at 10:28 PM.
Wow, I thought Byrner went and tricked out the CRRPG admin system. It looks pretty standard to me.
And thanks guys!
Why is it "u"? I thought it was "i"! But it still works... >.>
EDIT: Update!
-Two Scripts: One with a registration system, and one without.
-Anti Cheat
/adcmds Shows Admin Commands
/adban (playerid) Bans a player
/adkick (playerid) Kicks a Player
/adfreeze (playerid) Freezes a player
/adunfr (playerid) Unfreezes a player
/adkill (playerid) Admin Kills a player
/goto (playerid) Brings you to a player
/bring (playerid) Brings a player to you
/admin (message) Similar to /rcon say, but easier :P
/ac (message) Admin Chat
/spec (playerid) Spectates a Player
/specoff Turns off Spectate
/warn (playerid) Warns a player to follow the rules. 3 warnings and it's kick (FIX)
/ann (message) Announcement across the screen
/admode Goes into Admin Mode
/adoff Turns off Admin Mode
/jetpack Gives you a jetpack
/skininfo Tells you which skins will crash the server if used in /myskin
/myskin (SkinID) changes your skin (Read /skininfo before you use it!)
/credits Shows Credits (For All Players)
-Player Commands-
/commands Shows a list of player commands
/message (message) OR /me (message) Sends a message
-Registration Script-
/register (password) Registers you for a player file
/login (password) Logs you into a player file
-Anti Cheat-
Detects Grenades, Rocket Launchers, Miniguns, etc.... standard AntiCheat Weapons
Money (More than 500Mill) (Might lower that in the next versions)
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