[FilterScript] adm_Rent | Create easy rental vehicles! | 1 line: 1 rental car


Oh, so I was bored and I made this in 20 mins.

What is this?

With adm_Rent you can create easily rental vehicles, this can help you to develop your roleplay server and system, the rent cost is flexible and customizable.

How to add rental cars?
You can create rental vehicles with the following function:
pawn Code:
CreateRentalVehicle(modelid, x, y, z, angle, color1, color2);
Place that code under OnFilterScriptInit allocated in this code and that will be all!

There are various commands in this script:
/rentcar : rent a vehicle for the defined cost
/unrentcar : unrent your vehicle
/exitrental : used to exit a rental vehicle if you're frozen
/addrental : commands for admins to generate a 'CreateRentalVehicle' function

- Auto unrent on disconnect
- Easy to change rent cost
- Easy to add rental vehicles
- Can't rent someone's else vehicle
- Utilizes zcmd for faster commands

If you encounter any bug simply report it here, also if you have any questions..

Download the link, add your rental vehicles and compile!

Messages In This Thread
adm_Rent | Create easy rental vehicles! | 1 line: 1 rental car - by admantis - 30.04.2011, 18:44
Re: adm_Rent | Create easy rental vehicles! | 1 line: 1 rental car - by StreetGT - 30.04.2011, 18:49
Re: adm_Rent | Create easy rental vehicles! | 1 line: 1 rental car - by admantis - 30.04.2011, 18:54
Re: adm_Rent | Create easy rental vehicles! | 1 line: 1 rental car - by hackzor4 - 30.04.2011, 20:00
Re: adm_Rent | Create easy rental vehicles! | 1 line: 1 rental car - by BizzyD - 30.04.2011, 20:06
Re: adm_Rent | Create easy rental vehicles! | 1 line: 1 rental car - by StreetGT - 01.05.2011, 19:10
Re: adm_Rent | Create easy rental vehicles! | 1 line: 1 rental car - by admantis - 01.05.2011, 19:36
Re: adm_Rent | Create easy rental vehicles! | 1 line: 1 rental car - by TiMxD - 09.06.2011, 00:11
Re: adm_Rent | Create easy rental vehicles! | 1 line: 1 rental car - by Darklom - 28.07.2011, 16:36
Re: adm_Rent | Create easy rental vehicles! | 1 line: 1 rental car - by Kerlan - 11.10.2011, 04:31
Re: adm_Rent | Create easy rental vehicles! | 1 line: 1 rental car - by JamieVic - 21.11.2013, 09:33
Re: adm_Rent | Create easy rental vehicles! | 1 line: 1 rental car - by Wizzy951 - 21.11.2013, 10:07
Re: adm_Rent | Create easy rental vehicles! | 1 line: 1 rental car - by b0b - 22.11.2013, 10:30
Re: adm_Rent | Create easy rental vehicles! | 1 line: 1 rental car - by hanm13 - 27.05.2014, 07:52
Re: adm_Rent | Create easy rental vehicles! | 1 line: 1 rental car - by Alex Magaсa - 27.05.2014, 09:06
Re: adm_Rent | Create easy rental vehicles! | 1 line: 1 rental car - by Shank - 27.05.2014, 11:29
Re: adm_Rent | Create easy rental vehicles! | 1 line: 1 rental car - by iRaiDeN - 27.05.2014, 11:37
Re: adm_Rent | Create easy rental vehicles! | 1 line: 1 rental car - by hanm13 - 27.05.2014, 19:48
Re: adm_Rent | Create easy rental vehicles! | 1 line: 1 rental car - by hanm13 - 02.06.2014, 04:01
Re: adm_Rent | Create easy rental vehicles! | 1 line: 1 rental car - by Inn0cent - 02.06.2014, 06:05
Re: adm_Rent | Create easy rental vehicles! | 1 line: 1 rental car - by MrWorldWide - 10.07.2014, 12:22
Re: adm_Rent | Create easy rental vehicles! | 1 line: 1 rental car - by kokoshkata - 10.07.2014, 14:32

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