MYSQL Query doesn't load all rows

What does it print out exactly? Also your sscanf doesn't make sense, what are you splitting the string by? Spaces by defualt I guess, but that's not how the mysql_fetch_row_format function formats the string by default, it formats it splitting everything up with | characters, so your sscanf should be the following:

pawn Код:
sscanf(query, "p<|>iiii", Kills[playerid], Deaths[playerid], Points[playerid], FPoints[playerid]);
That is assuming you're using the plugin version, if that does not fix it then you should add a print of the "query" variable to see how it is formatted.

Messages In This Thread
MYSQL Query doesn't load all rows - by Biesmen - 29.04.2011, 12:09
Re: MYSQL Query doesn't load all rows - by JaTochNietDan - 29.04.2011, 12:11
Re: MYSQL Query doesn't load all rows - by Biesmen - 29.04.2011, 12:14
Re: MYSQL Query doesn't load all rows - by JaTochNietDan - 29.04.2011, 12:15
Re: MYSQL Query doesn't load all rows - by Biesmen - 29.04.2011, 12:16

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