hello again... Again one problem...

So I use zcmd but now i'm thinking how to get it write becouse I'm new at zcmd so yeah...

SO I want when pleyer says text like

/think he is retarded

the text out put was:

Player name thinks he is retarded

CMD:think(playerid, params[])
    if(isnull(params)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x8000FFC9, "/think [text]");
        pName[20 char]
    GetPlayerName(playerid, pName, sizeof(pName));
    format(string, sizeof(string), "* thinks %s %s *", pName, params);
    return SendClientMessageToAll(0x8000FFC9, string);

Messages In This Thread
hello again... Again one problem... - by trapped1 - 26.04.2011, 12:41
Re: hello again... Again one problem... - by Raimis_R - 26.04.2011, 12:52
Re: hello again... Again one problem... - by trapped1 - 26.04.2011, 12:59
Re: hello again... Again one problem... - by Raimis_R - 26.04.2011, 13:01
Re: hello again... Again one problem... - by trapped1 - 26.04.2011, 13:03

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