Retriving my Memory Of Scripting. [Need help :)]

I didn't script for a long time, so this is my current issue i probably solved a long time ago:

new MapNames[][4] =
{"<- ID Map Name ->Location",0,0,0},
{"Map Two",1,1,1}


Seems to give me errors i do kinda remember.

(192) : error 018: initialization data exceeds declared size
(227) : error 032: array index out of bounds (variable "MapNames")

Messages In This Thread
Retriving my Memory Of Scripting. [Need help :)] - by DeadAhead - 25.04.2011, 19:15
Re: Retriving my Memory Of Scripting. [Need help :)] - by DeadAhead - 25.04.2011, 19:55
Re: Retriving my Memory Of Scripting. [Need help :)] - by DeadAhead - 25.04.2011, 20:20
AW: Retriving my Memory Of Scripting. [Need help :)] - by Fabsch - 25.04.2011, 21:04

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