Rcon gmx vs exit

you could use a variable to stop OnPlayerDisconnect of processing, like this:
pawn Code:
public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason)
    if(!OPD){return 1;}
and after you're done with the other functions, you do "OPD = 1;"

but you still have to see for a way to detect gmx ...

Messages In This Thread
Rcon gmx vs exit - by GaGlets(R) - 22.04.2011, 02:01
Re: Rcon gmx vs exit - by Miguel - 22.04.2011, 03:13
AW: Rcon gmx vs exit - by Meta - 22.04.2011, 05:10
Re: Rcon gmx vs exit - by Ash. - 22.04.2011, 09:50
Re: Rcon gmx vs exit - by GaGlets(R) - 22.04.2011, 11:37
Re: Rcon gmx vs exit - by Ash. - 22.04.2011, 22:27
Re: Rcon gmx vs exit - by Miguel - 23.04.2011, 00:41
Re: Rcon gmx vs exit - by dannyk0ed - 23.04.2011, 01:02
Re: Rcon gmx vs exit - by GaGlets(R) - 23.04.2011, 01:18
Re: Rcon gmx vs exit - by SaW_[VrTx] - 09.05.2011, 16:45

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