15.08.2006, 15:35
Good job Draco... I changed your AddAreaCheck around a bit tho :P
AddAreaCheck(Area_GOLFC,1145.0272,1412.8173,2728.7505,2851.1440); //
Just change the AddAreaCheck func to:
public AddAreaCheck(areaid,Float_min,Float_max,Float: y_min,Float:y_max) {
(It looks alot neater imo)
I hope you add more stuff to this!
AddAreaCheck(Area_GOLFC,1145.0272,1412.8173,2728.7505,2851.1440); //
Just change the AddAreaCheck func to:
public AddAreaCheck(areaid,Float_min,Float_max,Float: y_min,Float:y_max) {
(It looks alot neater imo)
I hope you add more stuff to this!