Checkpoints appear in blueberry (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

Originally Posted by maij
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indeed, 0 to 13 are 14 values.
however, for dimension sizes you need to add one more to pawn.

If your array size is supposed to hold 15 integers, you need to define 16.
It's a fail I know, blame pawn.

PS: I see you added i++;
Compiler does not see i as a value, therefore it will not validate the dimension size and cause no error upon compiling.
If you would replace every i with a non-var number, it will error on the last dimension as your code is.
i++ is the same as doing i + 1 ? (Incrementing the value)
i is an integer variable
+ I never said it was erroring', i stated "not working"

Originally Posted by Montserrat
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Correct,but pawn doesn't count the number you put in the brackets.
For example,if you want to have 5 diffrent arguments,then:
PHP код:
New XXX[5][] 
It will do:
PHP код:
XXX[0][] = 
XXX[1][] = 
XXX[2][] = 
XXX[3][] = 
XXX[4][] = 
You see? it will make 5 arguments,not inclduing nubmer 5
it always does:
When X is the name of the argument (in your case: Route101) and Y is the number of arguments you want to have
Got it?
As i said...
I think i have sorted it now anyway, i think my "busstop" variable wasn't getting assigned correctly - i haven't actually tested it yet as i am no longer at my house, however it is what i am thinking (i have all my scripts on a remote network so i can access them from anywhere )

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