Checkpoints appear in blueberry (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

Originally Posted by funky1234
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Numbering starts at 0 - and so 0 to 13 is 14 different integers
Correct,but pawn doesn't count the number you put in the brackets.
For example,if you want to have 5 diffrent arguments,then:
PHP код:
New XXX[5][] 
It will do:
PHP код:
XXX[0][] = 
XXX[1][] = 
XXX[2][] = 
XXX[3][] = 
XXX[4][] = 
You see? it will make 5 arguments,not inclduing nubmer 5
it always does:
When X is the name of the argument (in your case: Route101) and Y is the number of arguments you want to have
Got it?

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