Dialog Teleport help please

public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
	if (strcmp("/teles", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
		ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,4,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"Commands List","1. Hideouts\r\n2. Airports\r\n3. Casinos\r\n4. Tallest Buildings\r\n5. Ammunation\r\n6. Motors\r\n7. Else More","", "Ok");
		return 1;
	return 0;
public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])
    switch(dialogid==4) // Lookup the dialogid
        case 1:
                SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, "You cancelled.");
                return 1; // We processed it

            switch(listitem) // This is far more efficient than using an if-elseif-else structure
                case 0: // Listitems start with 0, not 1
				ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,5,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"Hideouts","Hideout 1\r\n2.Hideout 2\r\n3. Hideout 3\r\n4. Hideout 4\r\n5. Hideout 5\r\n6. Hideout 6","", "Back");

        // Add the rest of your dialogs here

    return 0; // If you put return 1 here the callback will not continue to be called in other scripts (filterscripts, etc.).
i have created dialog now in Hideouts Teleport how can i do Player teleport on hideout 1 on click on hideout 1
like menu appeared Player Choose hideouts then Hideout 1 how can i do there SetPlayerPos?

Sorry for bad english
please help me...

Messages In This Thread
Dialog Teleport help please - by Cenation - 17.04.2011, 02:38
Respuesta: Dialog Teleport help please - by Daniel-92 - 17.04.2011, 03:01
Re: Respuesta: Dialog Teleport help please - by Cenation - 17.04.2011, 05:21

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