Mapper tips!

First of all,enter game,find good place for your map,and press "F" to get menu list!
You will see down the screen[left corner]Objects,get object you like and put 'em on your position.
How to rotate it?
Use "SCROOL" to rotate left-right,Hold "Alt" and move "SCROOL" to rotate it slower,hold "Ctrl" to rotate it Up-Down,Hold "Ctrl" and press "pageup/Padedown" to rotate it with side/left-fight,and use simple pageup/pagedown to move object up and down

I hope it helps,just basic things

Messages In This Thread
Mapper tips! - by NitoPSG - 15.04.2011, 11:28
Re: Mapper tips! - by [DJ]Boki - 15.04.2011, 11:37
Re: Mapper tips! - by linuxthefish - 15.04.2011, 11:53
Re: Mapper tips! - by [DJ]Boki - 15.04.2011, 12:10
Re: Mapper tips! - by leong124 - 15.04.2011, 14:04

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