13.04.2011, 17:24
I am put another two objects,you know,crane ans stairs,fight ring is not in my GM
This is my FS
#include <a_samp> #if defined FILTERSCRIPT public MoveFightRingstep1() { MoveObject(fight_ring, -2042.615234375, -147.52728271484, 90.86026763916, 3.5);//3.5 = speed of movement return 1; } public MoveFightRingstep2() { MoveObject(fight_ring, -2042.615234375, -147.52728271484, 80.0, 3.5);//3.5 = speed of movement return 1; } public OnGameModeInit() { SetTimer("MoveFightRingstep2", 20000, 1);//20000=20seconds 1=loop SetTimer("MoveFightRingstep1", 60000, 1);//60000=1 min 1=loop fight_ring = CreateObject(14791, -2042.615234375, -147.52728271484, 90.86026763916, 0.00, 0.00, 0); // createfightring variable } #endif