[Include] [BETA] NEED BETATESTERS! gStreamer (Gamer's Object Streamer)

Originally Posted by MrDeath537
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Looks good, congratulations, dont take the below text as offencive:

There're a lot of object streamers, why should the people use this one?
Post all the features and cool things that this one has and the people might use it.

Good luck!
Yeah well like i said, i always wanted to know how to make an object streamer just for personal purpose to see how it works etc
Also i tested this on my own server, and i was amazed of the speed of this, it worked (for me) just as good as incognito's streamer!

However i found a few problems though, with flickering objects if you are more futher away as example, i would like to know if someone else is experiencing this as well, and maybe tips/ideas to fix this or for improvements.

Edit: flickering issues are now solved!

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