06.04.2011, 15:09
Try MAX_PLAYERS instead of 6...
By the way, it's pronounced 'Roleplay' not 'RolePley' |
RolePlay btw its not english server thats why i type RolePley..
Here is intro ? Is there something wrong to make mistake ?
Because all intros works only intro 6 not working.
pawn Код:
stock ShowIntro(playerid) {
if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid)) {
SetPVarInt(playerid, "introstate", 1); //INTRO 1.
for(new t=0;t<6;t++) { TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, IntroTD[t]); }
PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 1183, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); SetPlayerPos(playerid,1418.5276,-1271.6520,134.5384); SetPlayerCameraPos(playerid, 1452.0316,-1262.7115,134.5384); SetPlayerCameraLookAt(playerid, 1522.7831,-1312.1881,264.8188);
return 1; }
public IntroCheck() {
for(new i=0;i<MAX_PLAYERS;i++) {
if(IsPlayerConnected(i) && GetPVarInt(i, "introstate") != 0) {
if(GetPVarInt(i, "introstate") == 1) {
for(new t=0;t<6;t++) { TextDrawHideForPlayer(i, IntroTD[t]); }
for(new t=0;t<2;t++) { TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, IntroTDDva[t]); }
SetPVarInt(i, "introstate", 2); //INTRO 2.
PlayerPlaySound(i, 1183, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); SetPlayerPos(i, 2277.7976,-930.1538,28.0001); SetPlayerCameraPos(i, 2287.1963,-1081.7050,29.8238); SetPlayerCameraLookAt(i, 2273.5034,-795.6640,33.1889);
}else if(GetPVarInt(i, "introstate") == 2) {
for(new t=0;t<2;t++) { TextDrawHideForPlayer(i, IntroTDDva[t]); }
for(new t=0;t<2;t++) { TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, IntroTDTri[t]); }
SetPVarInt(i, "introstate", 3);//INTRO 3.
PlayerPlaySound(i, 1183, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); SetPlayerCameraPos(i, 2147.1750,2180.2100,10.3769); SetPlayerCameraLookAt(i, 2147.1750,2180.2100,10.3769);
}else if(GetPVarInt(i, "introstate") == 3) {
for(new t=0;t<2;t++) { TextDrawHideForPlayer(i, IntroTDTri[t]); }
for(new t=0;t<17;t++) { TextDrawHideForPlayer(i, IntroTDCet[t]); }
}else if(GetPVarInt(i, "introstate") == 4) {
for(new t=0;t<17;t++) { TextDrawHideForPlayer(i, IntroTDCet[t]); }
for(new t=0;t<1;t++) { TextDrawHideForPlayer(i, IntroTDPet[t]); }
}else if(GetPVarInt(i, "introstate") == 5) {
for(new t=0;t<1;t++) { TextDrawHideForPlayer(i, IntroTDPet[t]); }
for(new t=0;t<16;t++) { TextDrawHideForPlayer(i, IntroTDSes[t]); }
}else if(GetPVarInt(i, "introstate") == 4) {
for(new t=0;t<16;t++) { TextDrawHideForPlayer(i, IntroTDSes[t]); }
for(new t=0;t<24;t++) { TextDrawHideForPlayer(i, IntroTDSed[t]); }
new plname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], string[256]; GetPlayerName(i, plname, sizeof(plname)); SetPVarInt(i, "introstate", 0); format(string, sizeof(string), "users/%s.ini", plname);
if(fexist(string)) {
gPlayerAccount[i] = 1;
new loginstring[410],loginname[87]; GetPlayerName(i,loginname,sizeof(loginname));
format(loginstring,sizeof(loginstring),"{0069FF}Dobrodosli na Balkan Street RolePlay,\n \n{00FF00}Vase ime je: %s \n \n{A0A0A0}Ovo ime je registrovano u nasoj bazi podataka gradjana. \n \n{A0A0A0}Molimo upisite vasu lozinku da bi vam dozvolili ulazak u grad \n \n{FF0019}Naponena: Ovo ime je registrovno,molimo ulogujte se tako sto cete upisati lozinku dole.",loginname);
gPlayerAccount[i] = 0;
new regstring[256], regname[64]; GetPlayerName(i,regname,sizeof(regname));
format(regstring,sizeof(regstring),"{0069FF}Dobrodoљao na Balkan Street RolePlay\n\n{00FF00}Vase Ime: {FFFFFF}%s\n\n{00FF00}Account: {FFFFFF}Nemate\n\n{00FF00}Forum: {FFFFFF}www.boomirc.org\n\n{FF0000}Upisite svoju lozinku.",regname);
ShowPlayerDialog(i,12345,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"Register",regstring,"Register","Izadji"); } } } }
return 1; }