
pawn Код:
ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, 9900, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "This is a title", "This is inside the black box", "Button1", Button2" );
9900 - ID of the dialog, can be any number! > 0
DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX - The style of the box, MSGBOX means just a message, INPUT it's a box with an input and LIST is a box with lists!

Messages In This Thread
Dialog - by Speed - 04.04.2011, 19:59
Re: Dialog - by Speed - 05.04.2011, 12:31
Re: Dialog - by Medal Of Honor team - 05.04.2011, 12:38
Re: Dialog - by Zh3r0 - 05.04.2011, 12:42

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