Tag Mismatch

Attach3DTextLabelToPlayer is for normal 3D text labels, not player 3D text labels.

If you check the wiki, you'll see that Attach3DTextLabelToPlayer only expects variables with the keyword 'Text3D' for the first variable.

You can't just attach player 3D text labels to yourself, you won't see them. CreatePlayer3DTextLabel creates a 3D text label for one player and only that one player can see it, Attach3DTextLabelToPlayer attaches the 3D text label to a player like a name tag, so only others can see it, but not the character it's attached to. It's only logical. Create a normal 3D text label and attach it.

Messages In This Thread
Tag Mismatch - by Antonio [G-RP] - 04.04.2011, 03:00
Re: Tag Mismatch - by Hornet600 - 04.04.2011, 03:46
Re: Tag Mismatch - by Antonio [G-RP] - 04.04.2011, 03:58
Re: Tag Mismatch - by Hornet600 - 04.04.2011, 04:00
Re: Tag Mismatch - by ElChapoGuzman - 04.04.2011, 04:09
Re: Tag Mismatch - by Antonio [G-RP] - 04.04.2011, 04:16
Re: Tag Mismatch - by ElChapoGuzman - 04.04.2011, 04:22
Re: Tag Mismatch - by smeti - 04.04.2011, 04:26
Re: Tag Mismatch - by ElChapoGuzman - 04.04.2011, 04:27
Re: Tag Mismatch - by Antonio [G-RP] - 04.04.2011, 04:34
Re: Tag Mismatch - by ElChapoGuzman - 04.04.2011, 04:35
Re: Tag Mismatch - by Antonio [G-RP] - 04.04.2011, 04:37
Re: Tag Mismatch - by Calgon - 04.04.2011, 06:34
Re: Tag Mismatch - by Antonio [G-RP] - 04.04.2011, 14:35

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