Server Questions.

I am new to running SAMP servers, so i got my test server running.

But i need help.

On the game modes i have been testing, how do i make myself a admin?

I do /rcon login (and my password)

But i cant make myself admin in my own server.

I am new at this so i am sorry but i need help.

ALSO, i need a scripter for when we buy hosting and the server goes public.

Messages In This Thread
Server Questions. - by James.Clement - 03.04.2011, 20:49
Re: Server Questions. - by Ironboy500[TW] - 03.04.2011, 20:53
Re: Server Questions. - by James.Clement - 03.04.2011, 22:54
Re: Server Questions. - by SchurmanCQC - 03.04.2011, 23:08
Re: Server Questions. - by alpha500delta - 04.04.2011, 13:10

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