Making vehicles Dynamic and / or with own ID.

I searched on the forums for how to give vehicles
their own ID, they must keep that ID in any situation.
When the gamemode gets restarted, the ID must stay the
same and if I exit and start gamemode, it still need to be
the same ID. How can I do this, anyone tips?

And I also want to make the vehicles dynamic, but I don't
exactly know how to do this..


Oh, and how can you change the hostname with a command?

Messages In This Thread
Making vehicles Dynamic and / or with own ID. - by Ihsan-Cingisiz - 03.04.2011, 15:29
Re: Making vehicles Dynamic and / or with own ID. - by SchurmanCQC - 03.04.2011, 15:31
Re: Making vehicles Dynamic and / or with own ID. - by Ihsan-Cingisiz - 03.04.2011, 15:38
Re: Making vehicles Dynamic and / or with own ID. - by Ihsan-Cingisiz - 03.04.2011, 15:40
Re: Making vehicles Dynamic and / or with own ID. - by Ihsan-Cingisiz - 03.04.2011, 21:13

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