"SERVER: Unknown command" wtf?

yep, no elseif but else if :P
you can use else if but you have to pay attention that this won't cause wrong results

your code is wrong indeed (for sets i always to MAX_PLAYERS), but i'll try to help you

it could be:
... i see, you use strtok method, so it could be that you forgot do define "cmd"
... else if results a wrong code because of a previous true statement
... i can't see a mistake


Messages In This Thread
"SERVER: Unknown command" wtf? - by sabreman - 01.04.2011, 15:18
Re: "SERVER: Unknown command" wtf? - by Mmartin - 01.04.2011, 15:45
Re: "SERVER: Unknown command" wtf? - by necrobg3 - 01.04.2011, 20:47
AW: "SERVER: Unknown command" wtf? - by Meta - 01.04.2011, 21:53
Re: "SERVER: Unknown command" wtf? - by Joe Staff - 01.04.2011, 22:03

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