"SERVER: Unknown command" wtf?

Hey guys, the server of mine says: Server Unknown command. I don't know why because the code seems to work fine. Here is the code btw:

	else if(strcmp(cmd, "/reported", true) == 0) {
	new i,Count;
	for(i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) Count++;
	if(PlayerInfo[i][activereport] == 0) SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "No active reports available right now");
	else if(PlayerInfo[i][activereport] == 1) {
	new string[256], name[256];
	GetPlayerName(i, name, 256);
	format(string, 256, "%s", name);
	SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, string);
	return 1;
Help would be hell appreciated.

Messages In This Thread
"SERVER: Unknown command" wtf? - by sabreman - 01.04.2011, 15:18
Re: "SERVER: Unknown command" wtf? - by Mmartin - 01.04.2011, 15:45
Re: "SERVER: Unknown command" wtf? - by necrobg3 - 01.04.2011, 20:47
AW: "SERVER: Unknown command" wtf? - by Meta - 01.04.2011, 21:53
Re: "SERVER: Unknown command" wtf? - by Joe Staff - 01.04.2011, 22:03

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