sound id help

hello, this is my code and it seems to work fine in the game, so when i hit /cell the player is picking up the phone, but the problem is that i don't hear the sound of the phone "calling" and bytheway what is the id of the cellphone call? thanks
public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
	if (strcmp("/cell", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
        SetPlayerSpecialAction(playerid, SPECIAL_ACTION_USECELLPHONE);
        PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 1002, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
		return 1;

Messages In This Thread
sound id help - by \\ BlenderBoy // - 27.03.2011, 15:48
Re: sound id help - by Jochemd - 27.03.2011, 16:00
Re: sound id help - by \\ BlenderBoy // - 27.03.2011, 16:15
Re: sound id help - by Stigg - 27.03.2011, 16:25
Re: sound id help - by \\ BlenderBoy // - 27.03.2011, 18:37
Re: sound id help - by Stigg - 27.03.2011, 18:39
Re: sound id help - by mprofitt - 27.03.2011, 18:41
Re: sound id help - by Ash. - 27.03.2011, 18:44

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