Freezing Loadingscreen still UNSOLVED ??


It has been a few months ago since 0.3c was released. With all new stuff came one nasty bug. Some Vista/Win7 users are teased by this bug: The loadscreen freezes when you try to connect to a server. Now, it's 3 months later, and i still have this bug and see still no (working) solutions for it. I tried hundreds of 'solutions' for this bug, but i still have it. So my question is simple:

Is there already a working solution? If no, is the SA:MP team even trying to solve this bug?

Please, don't think i'm just trolling the SA:MP team by posting this here. I'm a guy that want to play SA:MP without problems. I think other people think the same about this, too.


Messages In This Thread
Freezing Loadingscreen still UNSOLVED ?? - by Danny - 26.03.2011, 19:35
Re: Freezing Loadingscreen still UNSOLVED ?? - by Mike Garber - 26.03.2011, 19:44
Re: Freezing Loadingscreen still UNSOLVED ?? - by Danny - 26.03.2011, 20:04
Re: Freezing Loadingscreen still UNSOLVED ?? - by Mike Garber - 26.03.2011, 20:05

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