IRC Commands In-Game

What I am asking for is to make !cookie an In-Game command in which the IRC Bot gives the player, who's ID you put, a cookie and if you didn't put an ID then it gives you a cookie.

Messages In This Thread
IRC Commands In-Game - by PCheriyan007 - 19.03.2011, 17:57
Re: IRC Commands In-Game - by JaTochNietDan - 19.03.2011, 17:59
Re: IRC Commands In-Game - by PCheriyan007 - 19.03.2011, 18:10
Respuesta: IRC Commands In-Game - by Alex_Obando - 19.03.2011, 18:13
Re: IRC Commands In-Game - by PCheriyan007 - 19.03.2011, 18:51
Re: IRC Commands In-Game - by =WoR=Bruno - 19.03.2011, 18:57
Re: IRC Commands In-Game - by PCheriyan007 - 19.03.2011, 21:09

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