Originally Posted by Pentel
First we need for one Property 3 Coords
1.Area Point 1
2.Area Point 2
Those are very importent that People can See the Checkpoint of the Property, so they can buy it.
3.Checkpoint of the Property
Without this it wont work
To get the Area Points Do This
-Start/Launch DEBUG Mode
Do "/save" like this:
| | /save1 & /save2:This is how we get the Area where the Checkpoint can be seen
| /save3 | /save3:This is the Checkpoint where People can buy it
| |
Wasnt so hard isnt?
Yes it is hard. When I do /save it saves one line with like
pawn Код:
AddPlayerClass(220,1958.3783,1343.1572,15.3746,269.1425,0,0,24,300,-1,-1); <-- EXAMPLE
But he says I have to take 3x and I can only add one line as a coord, how do I combine these 3 take saves? Thanks. Because now my checpkoint is flickering and disappearing. Non-solid.
you need to take the XandY coords. that will be
1958.3783,1343.1572 1958... is the X axis and 1343... is the Y axis