zcmd setadmin command brokeee. D:

SetPVarInt(playerid, varname[], int_value)
Pvar's are like this SetPVarInt(playerid, "Money", GetPlayerMoney(playerid)) //from the wiki
So in your case it would be like
SetPVarInt(id, "Level",admlvl);

Messages In This Thread
zcmd setadmin command brokeee. D: - by -Rebel Son- - 18.03.2011, 03:51
Re: zcmd setadmin command brokeee. D: - by Haydz - 18.03.2011, 03:54
Re: zcmd setadmin command brokeee. D: - by [L3th4l] - 18.03.2011, 03:55
Re: zcmd setadmin command brokeee. D: - by Tee - 18.03.2011, 03:56
Re: zcmd setadmin command brokeee. D: - by -Rebel Son- - 18.03.2011, 03:57

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