Working snack/sprunk machine

Ok so would it be possible for someone just to make an example FS for me, of the working sprunk? I tried searching, but only "working" one i could find, that didnt have errors was a guy's named "seif", and his download link doesnt work anymore.

btw: Im complete noob and dont understand much of the terms people use here (trying to learn), so i honestly didnt even know what to do with your post :O sorry

EDIT: I did try plugging what you gave me into the OnPlayerKeyStateChange but i got errors

Messages In This Thread
Working snack/sprunk machine - by gooberz - 15.03.2011, 02:19
Re: Working snack/sprunk machine - by admantis - 15.03.2011, 03:21
Re: Working snack/sprunk machine - by gooberz - 15.03.2011, 21:37

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