Help to Server!

Hey im a new scripter.. and im on my way to start a whole new Roleplay server..
so i hoped, you guys in here vud help me, i have figured out some things by ******* and that stuff but i need help to big stuff..

First of all i need help to get access to ALL jobs!
i dont know if its a mod i need to download or if its a script plz help me with that

2. I need Acsess to bank you know /withdraw - /deposit and 24/7, you know get /buy so i can do that and general stores.

3. need help to script /stats & /Pvlock

If you could help me with these things i would be HAPPY!

Messages In This Thread
Help to Server! - by Schjerbeck - 13.03.2011, 16:18
Re: Help to Server! - by ElChapoGuzman - 13.03.2011, 16:31
Re: Help to Server! - by Roomeo - 13.03.2011, 16:34

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