Optinal multi params command using sscanf

yes iam using sscanf but look at this cmd ZCMD

CMD:slap(playerid, params[])
	    if(sscanf(params, "us[128]", pid, creason)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, Grey, "Usage:/slap <id> <reason>");
			GetPlayerPos(pid, X, Y, Z);
			SetPlayerPos(pid, X, Y, Z+6);
			new Float:Health;
			GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, 24);
			GetPlayerName(pid, gname, 24);
			format(sc, sizeof(sc), "AdmCmd:%s(%d) Was slapped by admin %s reason: %s", gname, pid, pname, creason);
			SendClientMessageToAll(Red, sc);
	return 1;
problem is that params has pid whick is the slapped player idk how to make the slapped player id cant be removed and the reason optional please help


no other old shit plz

Messages In This Thread
Optinal multi params command using sscanf - by Kyro - 12.03.2011, 12:26
Re: Optinal multi params command using sscanf - by JamesC - 12.03.2011, 12:28
Re: Optinal multi params command using sscanf - by Kyro - 12.03.2011, 12:34
Re: Optinal multi params command using sscanf - by JamesC - 12.03.2011, 12:46
Re: Optinal multi params command using sscanf - by Kyro - 12.03.2011, 12:52
Re: Optinal multi params command using sscanf - by JamesC - 12.03.2011, 12:56
Re: Optinal multi params command using sscanf - by Kyro - 12.03.2011, 13:12
Re: Optinal multi params command using sscanf - by Kyro - 12.03.2011, 13:41
Re: Optinal multi params command using sscanf - by HyperZ - 12.03.2011, 14:08
Re: Optinal multi params command using sscanf - by Kyro - 12.03.2011, 14:15

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