Is SA-MP...all PVP?

I know this isn't really answering you post but


Are there any SA-MP servers that aren't basically the same idea as GTAIV's online mode

SA-MP was here a long time before GTA IV.

As far as I know there isn't anything of the sort although I have thought of several ideas but haven't really took them further due to the limitations of sa-mp.

Messages In This Thread
Is SA-MP...all PVP? - by Superrpgman - 11.03.2011, 20:14
Re: Is SA-MP...all PVP? - by vital2k - 11.03.2011, 20:17
Re: Is SA-MP...all PVP? - by Superrpgman - 11.03.2011, 20:21
Re: Is SA-MP...all PVP? - by vital2k - 11.03.2011, 20:27
Re: Is SA-MP...all PVP? - by Infinity - 11.03.2011, 20:27
Re: Is SA-MP...all PVP? - by airsoft - 11.03.2011, 22:06
Re: Is SA-MP...all PVP? - by Calgon - 11.03.2011, 22:09
Re: Is SA-MP...all PVP? - by Raz0r1000 - 11.03.2011, 22:11
Re: Is SA-MP...all PVP? - by Steven82 - 11.03.2011, 22:14
Re: Is SA-MP...all PVP? - by Calgon - 11.03.2011, 22:18

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