My server is crashing

Have you recently changed any settings ?
Is your gm compiled and up to date ?
Is your gm in the correct folder ?
Are all plugins installed and ok ?
Are all filterscripts compiled and present ?
Have you change the password from the default in server cfg ?
Cant think of anything else at the minute.

Messages In This Thread
My server is crashing - by sMog. - 11.03.2011, 17:00
Re: My server is crashing - by Stigg - 11.03.2011, 17:04
Re: My server is crashing - by sMog. - 11.03.2011, 17:29
Re: My server is crashing - by Mauzen - 11.03.2011, 17:57
Re: My server is crashing - by Markx - 11.03.2011, 18:02
Re: My server is crashing - by sMog. - 11.03.2011, 18:37

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