[Tutorial] How to make a "Stats" for Russian (Как сделать статистику игрока)

Hello everyone, this lesson now and in the English language.
The essence of this work to teach you how to work with the formats.
HTML Code:
		new coordsstring[972];//[972] - amount of symbols in an array
		new headstat[128]; //[128] - amount of symbols in an array.
/*Is Array(Massiv)
Unfortunately there are limitations in Samp. 1000 (1024) symbol on the line

HTML Code:
if(PlayerInfo[targetid][pMember] >= 1 || PlayerInfo[targetid][pLeader] >= 1) 
format(coordsstring,sizeof(coordsstring),"LvL : %d\tExp: %d\nTeam: %s\tRank: %s",level,exp,team,rank);

else if(PlayerInfo[targetid][pMember] >= 5 || PlayerInfo[targetid][pLeader] >= 5) 
format(coordsstring,sizeof(coordsstring),"LvL : %d\tExp: %d\nOrG: %s\tRank: %s",level,exp,team,rank);

else if(PlayerInfo[targetid][pMember] >= 7 || PlayerInfo[targetid][pLeader] >= 7) 
format(coordsstring,sizeof(coordsstring),"LvL : %d\tExp: %d\nGaNG: %s\tRank: %s",level,exp,team,rank);

if(PlayerInfo[targetid][pMember] >= 1 || PlayerInfo[targetid][pLeader] >= 1) -verification on the organization or gang

else if(PlayerInfo[targetid][pMember] >= 5 || PlayerInfo[targetid][pLeader] >= 5) -verification on the organization or gang
On audits I think all is clear now gone to the very format.

HTML Code:
new string[512];
format(string,sizeof(string),"Text...",variable,variable,variable);//Format(massiv,size of massiv,"text",variable,variable,variable);
format(coordsstring, sizeof(coordsstring), "{B7FF00}LvL: %d",level);//for example,{B7FF00} - txt color:)
HTML Code:
Format Strings
Placeholder	 Meaning
%b	 Inserts a number at this position in binary radix
%c	 Inserts a single character.
%d	 Inserts an integer (whole) number
%f	 Inserts a floating point number.
%i	 Inserts an integer.
%s	 Inserts a string.
%x	 Inserts a number in hexadecimal notation.
%%	 Inserts the literal '%'

PS. Remember that the Format (...); and format (...); and forMat (...); and so on, are two different things!
Good LuCky.

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