Opening gates

I don`t get one thing ...

Why you create the same object in FilterScriptInit and in GameModeInit aswell ? Even if your FilterScript Object would move, the GameModeInit one, would still be there ... so prolly that`s the problem?

Try this:
pawn Код:
new obj1;

public OnGameModeInit()
      obj 1 = CreateObject(976, 2485.6479, 2350.5834, 9.8281, 0, 0, 180); //barriere FBI Fermer

public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
        if (strcmp("/opfbi", cmdtext, true)==0)
                MoveObject(obj1,2477.6479, 2350.4584, 9.8281, 6.5);
                SetTimer("GateClose", 15000, 0);
                SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_PURPLE,"FBI GATE OPENING - CLOSING IN 15 SECONDS");
                return 1;
         return 0;

forward GateClose();
public GateClose()
          MoveObject (obj1,2485.6479, 2350.5834, 9.8281, 3.5);
          return 1;
ps: You either put the object in the FilterScriptInit or in GameModeInit ... not in both of them.

Messages In This Thread
Opening gates - by Devil_ - 05.03.2011, 22:39
Re: Opening gates - by Amel_PAtomAXx - 05.03.2011, 23:06
Re : Opening gates - by Devil_ - 05.03.2011, 23:10
Re: Opening gates - by Loppa - 05.03.2011, 23:12
Re : Opening gates - by Devil_ - 05.03.2011, 23:23
Re : Opening gates - by Devil_ - 05.03.2011, 23:35
Re: Opening gates - by antonio112 - 05.03.2011, 23:44
Re : Opening gates - by Devil_ - 05.03.2011, 23:56
Re: Opening gates - by antonio112 - 05.03.2011, 23:59
Re : Opening gates - by Devil_ - 06.03.2011, 10:29

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