SA-MP server toplist instead of adverting on forums

Stupid suggestion, its fine this way!

I totaly agree with [HLF]Southclaw.

+If your server will be good enough, players will stay anyway, even if its only on Internet, Im also tired of same RP servers, bunch of kids ( usual 14-16 ), have been played on some RP server, than they decide to make own server, because thats how it MUST be, you MUST have own server, so they take one of the GF edits and think they will get up one more LS-RP, but in short time they realize that they dont know how to script and starts to spam, thats how it is.

Well, only way how to get many players is to buy Hosted tab each 2nd month and to not use GF edits or any other released script.

Messages In This Thread
SA-MP server toplist instead of adverting on forums - by Ivan_Pantovic - 13.02.2011, 21:48
Re: SA-MP server toplist instead of adverting on forums - by weedarr - 13.02.2011, 22:08
Re: SA-MP server toplist instead of adverting on forums - by cessil - 14.02.2011, 00:16
Re: SA-MP server toplist instead of adverting on forums - by leong124 - 14.02.2011, 07:52
Re: SA-MP server toplist instead of adverting on forums - by Ivan_Pantovic - 14.02.2011, 10:21
Re: SA-MP server toplist instead of adverting on forums - by Zmey - 14.02.2011, 19:15
Re: SA-MP server toplist instead of adverting on forums - by Ivan_Pantovic - 14.02.2011, 21:01
Re: SA-MP server toplist instead of adverting on forums - by Blacklite - 15.02.2011, 00:46
Re: SA-MP server toplist instead of adverting on forums - by Steamator - 18.02.2011, 14:37
Re: SA-MP server toplist instead of adverting on forums - by Little Jimmy - 18.02.2011, 16:19
Re: SA-MP server toplist instead of adverting on forums - by JackT - 03.03.2011, 16:06
Re: SA-MP server toplist instead of adverting on forums - by Saurik - 03.03.2011, 17:50
Re: SA-MP server toplist instead of adverting on forums - by Saurik - 03.03.2011, 18:48
Re: SA-MP server toplist instead of adverting on forums - by TeamPublic Roleplay - 03.03.2011, 20:20
Re: SA-MP server toplist instead of adverting on forums - by Omecken - 04.03.2011, 07:16
Re: SA-MP server toplist instead of adverting on forums - by Retardedwolf - 04.03.2011, 07:38
Re: SA-MP server toplist instead of adverting on forums - by Voldemort - 04.03.2011, 08:22
Re: SA-MP server toplist instead of adverting on forums - by BigCat - 09.03.2011, 05:24
Re: SA-MP server toplist instead of adverting on forums - by Gforcez - 10.03.2011, 13:11

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