03.03.2011, 02:58
Line 334/331:
Make the tmp and tmp2 stings bigger if there [128] make them [256]
Line 285:
if its not registering the SendClientMessage function u dont have the a_samp included.. add: #include <a_samp> at the very top
Line 284/202:
Im guessing you dont have PLAYER_REGGED defined or the samp include is needed for if statements(Im not sure)
Hope this helps
Make the tmp and tmp2 stings bigger if there [128] make them [256]
Line 285:
if its not registering the SendClientMessage function u dont have the a_samp included.. add: #include <a_samp> at the very top
Line 284/202:
Im guessing you dont have PLAYER_REGGED defined or the samp include is needed for if statements(Im not sure)
Hope this helps