Sa-mp Server Uploading

Refer to this page:

That link shows a list of server hosts with the price per slots and other information. I recommend using one of THOSE server hosts as they are trusted.

I also recommend you have at least 50% completed of your gamemode (if your scripting it yourself), else you'll be wasting your money hosting an unscripted gamemode.

You pay via Credit Card or Debit (Debit must have a Mastercard logo on it to use, and use Paypal to pay for it)

Messages In This Thread
Sa-mp Server Uploading - by coolmark1995 - 02.03.2011, 01:01
Re: Sa-mp Server Uploading - by Raz0r1000 - 02.03.2011, 01:04
Re: Sa-mp Server Uploading - by coolmark1995 - 02.03.2011, 01:06
Re: Sa-mp Server Uploading - by Raven_Silkwood - 02.03.2011, 02:56
Re: Sa-mp Server Uploading - by coolmark1995 - 02.03.2011, 04:49
Re: Sa-mp Server Uploading - by grand.Theft.Otto - 02.03.2011, 19:10

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